Comparison between two FeOxF2-x and macro-FeF2 based nanocomposites exhibits improved electrochemical performance in the former materials with higher energy density and better capacity retention upon cycling

Invention Summary:
Batteries have become essential compact and high-energy-density power sources for several applications, including electric vehicles, smartphones, manufacturing, grid storage, and many others. As such, the demand for batteries and accompanying technologies is growing exponentially, creating a significant need for a drastic improvement of the energy density of the cells
Rutgers researchers have developed a new Iron Fluoride material for energy storage electrodes. This invention provides electrochemical energy storage systems comprising metallolyte, iron fluoride and iron oxyfluoride composites. The practical result is the theoretical improvement of the specific capacity of the positive electrode from 274 mAh/g for layered intercalation compounds to >700 mAh/g for the reversible conversion metal trifluorides. The challenge with all the metal fluoride materials is to improve the transport and resulting stability of the electrode material upon repeated charge-discharge cycles. This invention relates to a surprising find that the improvement of the stability of iron fluoride nanocomposites can be brought about using oxygen substitution within the core structure resulting in the formation of a variety of iron oxyfluorides.
This technology can be bundled with four other related technologies from Dr. Amatucci to create a complete system for fluoride battery technology. The other technologies include:
- Increases the energy density of batteries compared to state-of-the-art technologies
- Improved electrochemical performance specially the stability of the reversible process
Market Applications:
- Energy Storage
- Electric Vehicle Batteries
- Consumer Electronics
Intellectual Property & Development Status: US Patent 8,623,549; 8,951,668; 9,203,082. Available for licensing and/or research collaboration.