nathalie+pereira - Available Technologies | Rutgers University Innovation Ventures

Search Results - nathalie+pereira

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Bismuth Fluoride based Nanocomposite as Electrode Material
​ Specific discharge capacities versus cycle numbers for the BiF3/C nanocomposite high-energy milled for 30 min, 1 h, 2 h and 4 h.​ Invention Summary: Batteries have become essential compact and high-energy-density power sources for several applications, including electric vehicles, smartphones, manufacturing, grid storage, and many others....
Published: 10/23/2022   |   Inventor(s): Glenn Amatucci, Fadwa Badway, Nathalie Pereira
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Energy & Battery, Technology Classifications > Polymers/Composites/Materials
Iron Oxyfluoride Electrodes for Electrochemical Energy Storage
­ ​ Comparison between two FeOxF2-x and macro-FeF2 based nanocomposites exhibits improved electrochemical performance in the former materials with higher energy density and better capacity retention upon cycling​ Invention Summary: Batteries have become essential compact and high-energy-density power sources for several applications,...
Published: 10/23/2022   |   Inventor(s): Glenn Amatucci, Nathalie Pereira
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Polymers/Composites/Materials, Technology Classifications > Energy & Battery
Carbon Nano Amalgam Rechargeable Battery Cells
der-collapse: collapse; } ​ An overlay graph plotting the comparative variations in cell specific capacity over the indicated number of cycles as a function of cycling rate in cells Invention Summary: Batteries have become essential compact and high-energy-density power sources for several applications, including electric vehicles, smartphones,...
Published: 1/31/2025   |   Inventor(s): Glenn Amatucci, Fadwa Badway, Nathalie Pereira
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Polymers/Composites/Materials, Technology Classifications > Energy & Battery