
Voltage as a function of specific capacity for a CuF2 nano- composite with varying amounts of MoO3 and a CuF2 nanocomposite with a carbon conductive matrix
Invention Summary:
Batteries have become essential compact and high-energy-density power sources for several applications, including electric vehicles, smartphones, manufacturing, grid storage, and many others. As such, the demand for batteries and accompanying technologies is growing exponentially, creating a significant need for a drastic improvement of the energy density of the cells
Rutgers researchers have developed a novel electrode material comprising nanocrystalline copper fluoride compound. This invention relates to primary and secondary electrochemical energy storage systems, particularly to such battery cells systems, which use materials that take up and release ions as means of storing and supplying electrical energy. Nanostructure of copper fluoride serve as active electrode component materials for use in electrochemical cells, such as lithium battery cells capable of exhibiting high specific capacity at high recharge and/or discharge rates.
This technology can be bundled with four other related technologies from Dr. Amatucci to create a complete system for fluoride battery technology. The other technologies include:
- Greater specific capacity than currently available state of the art batteries
- 2X battery energy per weight
- Demonstrated excellent rechargeability
- Demonstrated high power capability (very rare for metal fluorides)
Market Applications:
- Energy Storage
- Electric Vehicle Batteries
- Consumer Electronics
Intellectual Property & Development Status: US Patent 9,065,137. Available for licensing and/or search collaboration.