Overview of the Model System
Invention Summary:
3D printing has become highly desirable in industrial manufacturing and biomedical applications. Outsourcing the manufacturing to a 3D printing facility leaves the user without access to the printers and a lack of physical verification to determine whether small defects, invisible to the naked eye, have been inserted. Like other automated systems, there is a need for safety parameters and end-user verification.
Researchers at Rutgers University and collaborators developed methods for physical verification of 3D printed structures. Real-time detection and post-production verification of erroneous prints can be done through 1) spectroscopic validation via a user-defined nano-material based barcoded filament, 2) acoustic validation via recorded audio generated by the printer and compared to a reference, and 3) gyroscopic replication via a recorded trajectory followed by the printer head and compared to a reference. The techniques verify the position and notify the user if a cyber-physical attack has occurred.
Market Applications:
- Medical devices and implants
- Additive manufacturing industry
- Industrial cyber-physical security
- Automobile manufacturing
- Reliably identifies intrusions
- End-user verification
- Real-time controllers
Intellectual Property & Development Status:
Patent pending. Available for licensing and/or research collaboration.
Academic Publication:
Bayens, C. et al. See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Feel No Evil, Print No Evil? Malicious Fill Pattern Detection in Additive Manufacturing. In Proceedings of the 26th USENIX Conference on Security Symposium (SEC'17), Engin Kirda and Thomas Ristenpart (Eds.). USENIX Association, Berkeley, CA, USA, 1181-1198.