Invention Summary:
Intestinal uptake and absorption of orally administered drugs has been a challenge in the field of drug development and therapeutics research. Rutgers scientists have recently invented a novel mechanism to achieve increased absorption of molecules and to enhance their bioavailability via oral delivery. This invention facilitates the delivery of drugs or drug combinations across the intestinal epithelium, with the help of chylomicrons. These chylomicrons are the products of emulsified fat droplets in the intestinal lumen. By tagging peptide ligands to the drug agent, it is now possible to readily transport these compounds across the intestinal epithelium barrier.
In addition, this approach is compatible with a wide range of drug formulations and diets (e.g. high fat diets), highlighting its ease of use. Additionally, as a diagnostic tool, nanoparticles tagged with these peptides can be absorbed easily after oral administration and facilitate screening and detection techniques. In summary, this invention addresses the unmet need for simple yet efficient oral delivery technologies and can have impactful biomedical and therapeutic applications.
This invention makes possible the efficient delivery of therapeutic agents such as macromolecular drugs or therapeutically useful small molecule compounds, to a patient that may have earlier shown poor gastrointestinal absorption. This invention can also be used with diagnostic agents, such as radioactive, paramagnetic, fluorescent or chemical contrast agents. These unique peptides may enhance targeted drug delivery as well as provide alternative approaches for research and development of therapeutics.
Market Applications:
Drug and Gene Delivery Methods, Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Nanocarrier, Drug Development, Drug efficacy and Safety Assessments, Animal Models.
Intellectual Property & Development Status:
Patent pending.