Invention Summary:
Rutgers' Jumbo-Habanero (Jumbo-Hab) is an open-pollinated pepper variety that was developed from a field cross between African and Mexican habanero peppers. The plant is bushy with mostly bifurcative branching, 30-32” tall and 40-50” wide, and very attractive at maturity with red ripe pendulous fruit. It is an annual in NJ, but maybe perennial in tropical climate. Plant starts to flower 7-8 weeks after transplanting, and first fruit ripens about 12 weeks after transplanting. Average fruit number is 63/plant, and average fruit weight is 23 g. Ripe fruit durability (RFD) rated 5 on a scale of 1-5, four weeks after ripening (5 = fruit retains integrity same as at ripening). Ripe fruit is large and red with thick and firm wall, smooth and deeply corrugated skin. Fruit has excellent shelf life postharvest (rated 4-5 at four weeks in cold storage at 45-50 oF, and 4-5 at 3 weeks when stored at room temperature [75-85 oF], where 1 = fruit completely rotted, 5 = fruit retains complete integrity same as at harvesting). Fruit has a heat level ranging from 120-240K Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
Jumbo-Hab has been evaluated agronomically in the field in southern, central and northern New Jersey since 2011. Samples have been test-marketed in ethnic groceries and farmers markets in central NJ, while the Rutgers Dining Services in collaboration with the private sector has conducted a taste test on the quality of hot sauce and confirmed it is of high quality in flavor, taste and consistency.
Market Applications:
- Fresh produce
- Production of hot sauce
- Extra large fruit size, bright red color
- Moderate heat level (120-240K SHU) sought in the hot sauce industry
- Prolonged RFD in the field
- Long shelf life postharvest
Intellectual Property & Development Status: Available for licensing.