Changes in scoring of PSP patients over time in three groups, categorized based on the onset age of the disease in patients.​
Invention Summary:
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a brain disorder that affects a person’s ability to move due to a gradual increase in brain cell damage over time. Symptoms of PSP increase in types and severity. Because of the wide range of symptoms that can manifest, it can be difficult to break down the stage of PSP of a patient and to determine the effectiveness of treatments.
Rutgers University Professor Lawrence I. Golbe. M.D. is the author of the gold standard, clinical rating scale for patients with PSP, it comprises 28 disability items, some by history, others by neurologic examination. Each item has its own scoring rubric and set of tips and rules for administration. To assist practitioners in the use of the scale, a series of instructional videos were created that demonstrate Dr. Golbe assessing patients with different PSP severities. Use of the videos may improve inter-rater and test-retest reliability, especially in clinical or observational studies over multiple sites and over multiple patient visits.
Market Applications:
- Digital health platforms used for research, clinical trials, and clinical assessments.
- Inter-rater reliability evaluation/training
- Clinical trials for PSP treatments
- Low intra-subject variability gives this scale the best statistical power of any clinical scale related to PSP
- Videos have been used in multiple clinical trials
- Rating scale and videos can be licensed separately or packaged together.
About the Developer:
Lawrence I. Golbe, M.D. is a neurologist and a Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University. Prior to retirement, he specialized in PSP and other “atypical” Parkinsonian disorders. He chairs the Scientific Advisory Board of the non-profit organization CurePSP and is the sole author of the book, “A Clinician’s Guide to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.”
Golbe, LI and Ohman-Strickland, PA. (2007) A clinical rating scale for progressive supranuclear palsy. Brain 130: 1552-1565
Intellectual Property & Development Status: Available for non-exclusive licensing; rating scale and videos can be licensed separately or together. Video clips are available for viewing in advance. Special privacy methods required for access to videos. For any business development and other collaborative partnerships contact: marketingbd@research.rutgers.edu